Company Roskedr is the only certified Russian manufacturer of Cedar phyto barrels of the portal Отпроизводителя.рф.
In this section, you can get acquainted with the manufacturing process of cedar barrels. All the barrels we produce are exclusively handmade. Rivets are perfectly matched to each other and tightened with hoops. The distinctive feature of our cedar phyto-saunas is the traditional cooperage technology manufacturing without any glues, furniture technology stud-and-groove, etc.
Video about the Altai Mountains
Сюжет про Горный Алтай, заготовку древесины для фитосаун и технологию производства мини-парных "Парофитосауна РосКедр"
РБК Территория бизнеса в гостях у "РосКедра".
Производство эксклюзивных фитобочек из колотого кедра. Часть 1.
Our workshop for the production of cedar barrels RosKedr — №6
Our workshop for the production of cedar barrels RosKedr — №1
Our workshop for the production of cedar barrels RosKedr — №2
Our workshop for the production of cedar barrels RosKedr — №3
Our workshop for the production of cedar barrels RosKedr — №4
Application of the RosKedr logo on cedar barrels
Logging, drying cedarwood